Elvis is in the building. Well, not really, but Big Red's successor had made his official appearance.
Welcome to the family, Huggy Bear.
With the help of The Mighty Cuban, Pink tested a couple of rides today and made his selection. Thanks to Mike at Peachtree Bikes for giving us the star treatment. We gave him his first sale as the new owner. Congrats all around.
Huggy Bear's stats:
Felt F75
Shimano wheel set
Ultegra 27 cassette (Mike hooked us up)
Ultegra derailers
105 shifters
carbon fiber front fork
carbon fiber rear seat stays
Tomorrow, we ride. On a sadder note, we also bid the Baguers farewell.
Helix is still prettier, especially now that he is tricked out with all of my Christmas presents. Re'to jet and kick some Huggy Bear ass.