
A Clash of Kings

Author: George R. R. Martin

Number two in the series. As good as the first, maybe even better since it's really made me look forward to the next season of the show on HBO. There are some new and interesting characters, some good old character developments, and the fantasy element definitely gets a boost in this one.

And I'm already onto the third...

A Game of Thrones

Author: George R. R. Martin

Sure, I had heard of the show on HBO and seen maybe 10 minutes of one episode while Pink was watching. But I didn't add it to my already busting viewing schedule. I'm a pretty loyal viewer so my schedule doesn't leave a lot of room for newbies.

About two weeks ago I read in my Entertainment Weekly magazine about the release of GRRM's latest book, the 5th in the Fire and Ice series, of which A Game of Thrones is the first. I didn't realize the show was based on a book, let alone a series as revered as this one. I've never dabbled in the fantasy genre before but this last book was getting such amazing reviews that I committed myself to reading the series from the beginning.

So began an interesting experience for me - reading the book and staggering the HBO episodes such that I had already read whatever was in that episode. While I was a little disappointed when small things deviated from the book, I'm not sure I would have connected all the dots between characters if I hadn't read the book first. I even ended up filling in a few important details for Pink who just watched the show.

Even though the books are intimidatingly long, I almost feel like some of the plot lines didn't get to develop completely and were cut way too short. Maybe he knew he had a lot more books to write. Overall, though, I really enjoyed both the book and the show - good characters, good plot lines, and lots of imagination.