I can't remember the last time I watched a tv show and had a smile plastered on my face for all 45 minutes of it. Truly, this show is pure happiness - my best time spent watching tv each week.
And since when did Fox starting kicking NBC's ass in the show department? I think my routine schedule is about 4:1 Fox programming, although the idiotic cancelling of Dollhouse has pissed me off. You're telling me they're going to keep that creep Gordon Ramsey around in TWO shows (at least one being total crap) and send Joss Whedon's genius to the trash can? What the hell, man!
I want to create a tv station that airs all the programming that gets needlessly canned because the average American is too stupid to understand or appreciate. Showcased would be the greatest of all prematurely cancelled shows and the originator of ridiculously fast bantering between characters (later toned down in West Wing), Sports Night. Never has a smarter show been so under appreciated. Never heard of it? Come over and we'll watch the dvds.
Joss Whedon would find refuge for his Firefly and Dollhouse series. I suppose I could be convinced to throw in Buffy the Vampire Slayer to give him a trifecta although I've never seen it and I don't think that show met an early end, but it might appeal to those nerdy tweens (wow, can't believe I just used that word).
Others in the lineup: Arrested Development, Dirty Sexy Money (not a smart show per se, just entertaining and cancelled too soon), Sunset Boulevard or whatever the re-packaged Sports Night on the set of a make believe SNL was called, and My So Called Life for nostalgia (who doesn't love Claire Danes and Jared Leto in their awkward phases?).
Current shows that have the potential to get cancelled just because I like them: Fringe (why did they move this show to Thursday night?), Big Bang Theory (second only to Glee, the other best 30 minutes of my tv routine each week), and FlashForward (viva Charlie and Penny!).
And of course, once Lost gets wrapped up this year it would be the ultimate in too smart television, but surprisingly has been allowed to runs its course. This show is even too convoluted for me and yet I still come back, despite hardly ever getting answers to anything that happens. Surely Matthew Fox can't be that much of a draw? Oh wait, he's not, it's the Josh dude who's so hot.
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