
The Forge of God

Author: Greg Bear

At the beach this summer I passed on to my Dad The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I tried and tried and tried to convince him it was worth reading. He ignored me every time. But when someone else told him he had to read it he did. Hmm. Nonetheless, he loved it, like I said he would.

The Forge of God was his payback to me. I'm sure he gave me this book some time last year and I just stacked it away with all the rest of the science fiction I didn't have time for. Last weekend he made me promise to read it before anything else since he had finally fulfilled his end of the bargain (what bargain?). In a drunken stupor I agreed (huh?).

One week later I'm glad I read it. Not as good as his Darwin's Radio but still totally worth reading. I loved that there's no super human to come save the day when the Earth is about to be exploded by alien invaders. I love how the world ends each time for each character (or not). I love to see how they react, where they go, who they think about it. To me, the feelings and reactions were as realistic as you could expect them to be.

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