
The Emperor of Scent

Author: Chandler Burr
Category: Christmas

My friend, Shelley, gave me this book after we had read another of Chandler Burr's books, The Perfect Scent, for our book club. I really didn't want to read it - books about perfumes by the New York Times perfume editor (who knew such a thing existed?) just didn't appeal to me - I don't even wear perfume and smelling it gives me a headache.

Nonetheless, my sister convinced me I was being antisocial if I didn't read it so I did. And it was fascinating. When Shelley told me The Emperor was more about the science of smell, I knew the anti-social uber-nerd in me would immediately love it. And I did.


the girls are home

As Warner put it in his email, "The girls are home."
Yesterday we added 4 new members to our family, and no, we definitely are not giving them individual cutesy monikers. I can't bear to name something that I may eat in the future. They will collectively be known as The Ladies.
If I can remember correctly, starting with the yellow one and going clockwise we've got a Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red, Barred Plymouth Rock, and a Black Australorp.
They seem pretty small at this point and Pink says they'll be about twice this size when they're done growing. Pretty sure sure they're all girls but I guess we'll find out.
Lynn and her Jack were nice enough to hook us up with the chicks and their old coop so we're pretty well set up. And our Jack is learning to say, "chicken," really well now.


In Defense of Food

Author: Michael Pollan
Category: Library

I allowed myself this early library read because the author will be speaking at CDC next Friday, March 20th. He is in town as the keynote speaker for the 12th Annual Georgia Organics Conference next weekend.

This book was nothing short of fascinating. Pollan discusses the Western Diet and how it has contributed to the slew of chronic diseases Americans now face (obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and on, and on, and on). But he also explains why this is the case. Some of it seems so obvious that I wonder why I never put some of these conclusions together myself. I almost feel ashamed.

Nonetheless, it is an extraordinarily enlightening book that makes complete sense on so many levels. I can't recommend this book highly enough, really. This book has the power to not only completely change how you view the food you eat and but how you eat it, too, in the best kind of way. It's a great, easy, quick read.


bloody gross

Marsha's Bloody Mary - its range is amazing. From festively kicking off your Sunday brunch to curing your worst hangover (I'm SO serious), her Bloody is the consummate warrior in the cyclical world of revelry and recovery. I'm convinced it's because of her "secret" ingredient, Clamato juice.

For those who are unfamiliar, it's a tomato juice cocktail with some undefined percentage of reconstituted clam juice. I agree that it doesn't sound appealing but it works, trust me. Nothing could be better.

But this? This is just blasphemy. Who could have thought this was a good idea? What kind of world are we living in?

Edit: Picture courtesy of Pink


FB to the rescue

I've always thought that years 24-26 were among the best of my life and if I could be any age forever it would be one of those. Young and carefree, as they say, with no real responsibility in life.

One of my volleyball players, several years ago, told me, "You're only as old as you act," which may explain why I still think I fall somewhere in that range. In my head I've yet to enter into my third decade. Somehow I still believe I'm relevant.

But as I approach my biological 34th birthday thank goodness I have Facebook to confirm what I always knew to be true anyway - that my real age is 26.