As Warner put it in his email, "The girls are home."
Yesterday we added 4 new members to our family, and no, we definitely are not giving them individual cutesy monikers. I can't bear to name something that I may eat in the future. They will collectively be known as The Ladies.
If I can remember correctly, starting with the yellow one and going clockwise we've got a Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red, Barred Plymouth Rock, and a Black Australorp.
They seem pretty small at this point and Pink says they'll be about twice this size when they're done growing. Pretty sure sure they're all girls but I guess we'll find out.
Lynn and her Jack were nice enough to hook us up with the chicks and their old coop so we're pretty well set up. And our Jack is learning to say, "chicken," really well now.
1 comment:
cool chicks!
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