
The Penultimate Truth

Author: Philip K. Dick
Category: Cheats

I know, two cheats in a row. Doug-e-fresh passed this on to me a while ago and it's been sitting in my pile for months. Since I already started on the path of cheating why stop now? If you're not cheatin you're not tryin, right Bags?

But on to the book.

Dad, please, don't do this to me again. Books that use made-up words and define them at some later date in the story (if at all) infuriate me. It was almost like Neuromancer all over again. Ok, not THAT bad, but not good.

Once I understood the vocab list, or didn't care anymore, the story got interesting. But I felt like his humor was a weak attempt to emulate my favorite, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Anyway, it's done. Sorry I didn't like it as much as you, Daddy.

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